[CellServDB] GCO Public CellServDB updates

Jeffrey Hutzelman jhutz@cmu.edu
Mon, 29 Jun 2009 01:22:56 -0400

A new version of the GRAND.CENTRAL.ORG Public CellServDB has been
released, and is available at the locations mentioned below.  This version
contains the following new cells:

physik.uni-freiburg.de  Institute of Physics, University Freiburg, Germany
physnet.uni-hamburg.de  PHYSnet-Rechenzentrum university of hamburg
mathi.uni-heidelberg.de Uni Heidelberg (Mathematisches Institut)
ziti.uni-heidelberg.de  Institute of Computer Science at the University of 
mw.andrew.cmu.edu       Carnegie Mellon University - Middleware Test Cell
math.cornell.edu        Cornell Math Dept
numenor.mit.edu         Project Numenor
ictp.it                 The Abdus Salam International Centre for 
Theoretical Physics (IC
epitech.net             EPITECH, France
adrake.org              adrake.org
pfriedma.org            pfriedma.org
rl.ac.uk                Rutherford Appleton Lab, England

It also contains updated entries for the following cells:

ethz.ch                 Swiss Federal Inst. of Tech. - Zurich, Switzerland
uni-freiburg.de         Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat Freiburg
rrz.uni-koeln.de        University of Cologne - Reg Comp Center
andrew.cmu.edu          Carnegie Mellon University - Computing Services Cell
cs.cmu.edu              Carnegie Mellon University - School of Comp. Sci.
cnf.cornell.edu         CNF
athena.mit.edu          MIT/Athena cell
dev.mit.edu             MIT/IS Development cell
soap.mit.edu            MIT School Of Architecture & Planning
enea.it                 ENEA New Tech. Energy & Environment Agency, Italy
pi.infn.it              INFN, Sezione di Pisa
interdose.net           Interdose Ltd. & Co. KG, Germany
grand.central.org       Grand Central Communications
hackish.org             Hackish.org
dementia.org            Dementia Unlimited

The following cells have been removed:

uni-bonn.de             University of Bonn, Computing Center
ucdavis.edu             University of California at Davis
home.ucdavis.edu        University of California at Davis home directories
grif.fr                 GRIF cell
ictp.trieste.it         The Abdus Salam International Centre for 
Theoretical Physics
hallf.kth.se            Royal Institute of Technology, HALLF

Copies of the GCO Public CellServDB can be obtained via AFS, HTTP or FTP:

-- Jeffrey T. Hutzelman (N3NHS) <jhutz+@cmu.edu>
   GRAND.CENTRAL.ORG Public CellServDB Maintainer
   Carnegie Mellon University - Pittsburgh, PA