[CellServDB] GCO Public CellServDB updates

Jeffrey Hutzelman jhutz@cmu.edu
Sun, 28 Feb 2010 16:33:06 -0500

A new version of the GRAND.CENTRAL.ORG Public CellServDB has been
released, and is available at the locations mentioned below.  This version
contains the following new or updated cells:

setfilepointer.com     #SetFilePointer.com
integra-ev.de          #INTEGRA e.V.
ipp-garching.mpg.de    #Institut fuer Plasmaphysik
nicsys.de              #NICsys GbR
cs.cmu.edu             #Carnegie Mellon University - School of Comp. Sci.
citi.umich.edu         #University of Michigan - Center for Information 
Technology Integ
cmf.nrl.navy.mil       #Naval Research Laboratory - Center for 
Computational Science
1ts.org                #1TS.ORG, Cambridge, MA
dementia.org           #Dementia Unlimited
jeaton.org             #jeaton.org (Jeffrey Eaton, jeaton@jeaton.org)
mstacm.org             #Missouri Science & Technology - ACM
phy.bris.ac.uk         #Bristol University - physics

The following cells have been removed:

dsrw.org               #The DSRW
nimlabs.org            #Nimlabs, Ink. Cell.

Copies of the GCO Public CellServDB can be obtained via AFS, HTTP or FTP:

-- Jeffrey T. Hutzelman (N3NHS) <jhutz+@cmu.edu>
   GRAND.CENTRAL.ORG Public CellServDB Maintainer
   Carnegie Mellon University - Pittsburgh, PA