Can one find a mount point just knowing the volume name?

Peter Scott
Thu, 08 Feb 2001 09:55:29 -0800

At 12:41 PM 2/8/01 -0500, Stephen Joyce wrote:
>sub doname {
>         local($name) = @_;
>         local($dev, $ino, $vol);
>         return warn "$name: $!\n" unless ($dev, $ino) = lstat($name);
>         return &descend($name) if $ino & 1;

What is the meaning of even/oddness of inode numbers?  When I tried to make 
any sense out of them in our cell I got nowhere.

>         return $name if -l $name || ! -d _;
>         $vol = `fs lsmount $name`;
>         die unless $vol =~ s/.*mount point for volume '(.*)'\n$/\1/;
>         printf "%-${volwidth}s %s\n", $vol, $name;
>         return $name if $vol =~ /.*\.backup$/;
>         return &descend($name);

Peter Scott