[krbwg-51] [Sam Hartman via RT <rt-krbwg-51@PENN.central.org>] Digested Articles
Sam Hartman
21 Mar 2001 18:07:03 -0500
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Date: Wed Mar 21 18:06:47 2001
From: Sam Hartman via RT <rt-krbwg-51@PENN.central.org>
Subject: Digested Articles
[grand.central.org #274] AutoReply: Consider keeping name referal
[grand.central.org #274] Re: Consider keeping name referal
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 17:42:50 -0500
From: Sam Hartman via RT <rt-krbwg-51@PENN.central.org>
To: hartmans@mit.edu
Subject: [grand.central.org #274] AutoReply: Consider keeping name referal
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RT System
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Unless the list significantly objects, we want to keep name referal
for cross realms. We are still pulling out server name
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 17:54:20 -0500
From: Sam Hartman via RT <rt-krbwg-51@PENN.central.org>
To: hartmans@mit.edu
Subject: [grand.central.org #274] Re: Consider keeping name referal
Message-Id: <rt-274-1734.11.830573156476@grand.central.org>
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<URL: http://new-grand.central.org//rt//Ticket/Display.html?id=274 >
- - Assigned to bcn for now. Probably, we want to ask
the list.
End of forward19102qPF Digest
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