automating 'vos release'

Kim Kimball Kim Kimball" <
Mon, 23 Apr 2001 09:59:35 -0600

1.  Yep. "Require."  We "vos release" thousands of volumes a week.  Doing it
by hand is not practical.
2.  It does check the RO sync state, as you suggest.  But my benchmarking
indicates that it's not very fast and that there are faster approaches.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeff Blaine" <>
To: "David R Boldt" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2001 9:32 AM
Subject: Re: automating 'vos release'

> > This is going to require that we run a "vos release" on a periodic,
> > automated basis.
> Require?
> I'm against the idea in concept, but that's an opinion.  Why not do
> it by hand (takes 3 seconds to type) when you know you want to
> release for sure?  Anyway...
> > * if the read/write version of a volume has not changed since
> >    the last release, will "vos release" no-op, or will it try to
> >    synchronize anyway.
> I believe what happens is that it will check out the replicas
> (quickly), determine that they are up to date, and do nothing.
> > * would it make sense to attempt to determine whether a volume
> >   has changed before doing a release?  --I don't have a very good
> >   sense for how resource expensive "vos release" is.
> Sure.
> >    if it would be a good idea to only release when necessary, is there
> >    a more efficient way to discover whether a read/write volume has
> >    changed since the last release other than comparing the mtimes
> >    of all directories in the volumes?
> vos examine | grep 'Last Update'
> > Is anyone else doing this sort of thing?